Customized Gynecomastia Treatments

While this condition, known as gynecomastia, can seriously impact an individual’s self-confidence, those who suffer from gynecomastia should know that there are advanced surgical treatments available that can effectively address it. At Florida Plastic Surgery Group, we offer customized male breast reduction procedures designed to successfully treat gynecomastia and produce a flatter, sculpted, masculine chest.

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The team at Florida Plastic Surgery Group is here for you.

Florida Plastic Surgery Group is led by five doctors who are all leaders in the field and committed to providing exceptional results. As an affiliate of North Florida Surgeons, we were founded in 2009 and have helped thousands of patients since we opened our doors. Our knowledgeable staff is always friendly and ready to help from the moment you call our office. Get started on your aesthetic or reconstructive journey with us today.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition that occurs in men and is characterized by enlargement of the breasts caused by a collection of excess fat, skin, glandular tissue, or a combination of the three. Men can experience gynecomastia for many reasons. The condition often begins in adolescence as a natural part of puberty, then resolves over time for many individuals. For others, it may never go away, even if they are in excellent physical shape and maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. 

There are several causes that have been potentially linked to gynecomastia, including weight fluctuations, significant weight loss, certain kinds of medications, hormone imbalances, genetics, or the use of marijuana or anabolic steroids. For some individuals afflicted with gynecomastia, there is no clear cause.

Gynecomastia can create feelings of extreme self-consciousness and a pronounced lack of self-esteem in men who have the condition, particularly for those with more severe cases. It is important to know that gynecomastia is not only quite common but also quite treatable for many men who suffer from it.

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True Gynecomastia vs. Pseudogynecomastia

While “gynecomastia” is often used as an umbrella term for conditions characterized by enlarged breasts in men, there are actually two distinct types of gynecomastia. The specific type of gynecomastia that an individual is experiencing will ultimately play a major role in determining the best treatment technique to address it.

True gynecomastia typically describes breast enlargement that is caused by excess breast tissue or glandular tissue. Pseudogynecomastia is generally ascribed to gynecomastia conditions caused by an accumulation of excess fat in the breasts. Some men who suffer from gynecomastia are affected by both excess tissue and excess fat.

During your confidential consultation with one of our plastic surgeons, we will perform an evaluation to assess whether you have true gynecomastia, pseudogynecomastia, or a combination of these conditions. Once we establish this, we can discuss whether liposuction or surgical removal of excess tissue will be an ideal treatment to effectively address your concerns.

How do I prepare for male breast reduction surgery?

Before male breast reduction surgery, we ask patients to stop taking medications that may increase bleeding. These typically include aspirin, Plavix®, NSAIDS (ibuprofen, Advil®, Alleve®, etc.), and herbal supplements like vitamin E. Patients should be in good overall health and ensure they have their blood pressure controlled.  Patients should be four weeks free from smoking cigarettes, marijuana, or vaping. Once you are evaluated during the initial consultation and your treatment plan has been designed, we will provide you with additional information on preparing for your surgery so you will know what to expect.

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How is male breast reduction performed?

For many patients, the correction of gynecomastia can be performed utilizing liposuction combined with a small periareolar incision to remove the firm fibrous glandular tissue. In cases where an excess of glandular tissue is present, or for patients with more severe cases of breast enlargement where the skin has been stretched, more incisions are required to extract the tissue and create a flatter chest. Our plastic surgeons at Florida Plastic Surgery Group have experience with the latest male breast reduction techniques, which allow them to minimize scarring while successfully reducing the effects of gynecomastia.

Male breast reduction procedures can typically be performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia.

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What can I expect during recovery from male breast reduction?

Most individuals are able to resume normal daily routines and work schedules (depending on the specific occupation) within approximately one week after gynecomastia surgery. Swelling and soreness can be expected as the area heals. Medication can help control discomfort during recovery. Patients should wear a compression garment for a minimum of three to four weeks after the operation. In most cases, no drains are used after surgery, and all the sutures are dissolvable. 

Strenuous exercise and lifting of heavy objects should be avoided for several weeks after surgery. As you heal, it is important to keep well-hydrated and nourished; this is an important part of healing. Our team will provide you with a thorough post-operative guide to help you achieve the safest, most effective recovery possible.

How noticeable are the scars from gynecomastia treatment?

The precise nature of scarring after treatment for gynecomastia will depend on the technique utilized. In most cases, residual scars following male breast reduction surgery are often minimal. When liposuction is utilized, the scars are typically very small and barely noticeable.

For patients who have a more extensive surgical procedure to remove excess glandular tissue, the incisions can often be placed in relatively inconspicuous areas that are less noticeable to others. Our plastic surgeons understand your concerns regarding scarring and how it may affect your appearance, which is why we employ advanced techniques to ensure minimal scarring.

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How much does gynecomastia treatment cost?

The total cost of gynecomastia treatment at our practice often falls in the range of $4,999 to $7,499. With this in mind, the price of male breast reduction is highly variable among patients. It is based on the specific technique utilized and associated components that are unique to each patient’s customized treatment plan. Other factors considered in the total price include the complexity of the operation, the fee for the surgeon, operating facility and anesthesia fees, post-operative garments, and other costs. 

When your customized treatment plan is developed during the initial consultation, a member of our team here at Florida Plastic Surgery Group will produce a cost estimate of the procedure that includes all related expenses and present it to you for review. Our practice works with reputable lending firms that offer a range of affordable plastic surgery financing plans to qualified applicants with options that can be suitable for a variety of budgets.

Gynecomastia FAQ

Is there a way to treat gynecomastia without surgery?

Is liposuction performed alone an adequate treatment for gynecomastia?

During male breast reduction surgery, will the entire gland be removed?

Can the breast tissue come back after gynecomastia surgery?

Is the surgery for gynecomastia painful?

Will nipple sensation be affected after gynecomastia surgery?

Contact Florida Plastic Surgery Group to schedule a consultation today!

Is there a way to treat gynecomastia without surgery?

The answer to this question can depend on the specific type of gynecomastia – true gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia – an individual has. In cases of true gynecomastia, surgery is likely the only effective remedy since it is the only option that can successfully reduce excess breast tissue or glandular tissue. With pseudogynecomastia, the enlarged breast appearance is primarily caused by excess fat cells, and some men may find that dietary adjustments and exercises focusing on the chest address the concern to a certain extent. It is necessary for individuals to have their chest examined for a proper diagnosis. This can determine the type of gynecomastia present and further steps that can be taken to improve the condition.

Is liposuction performed alone an adequate treatment for gynecomastia?

Patients diagnosed with pseudogynecomastia may only require liposuction for optimal results. If the condition is mainly caused by excess fat collection in the breasts, it could be possible for some patients to achieve the ideal aesthetic outcome with liposuction as a standalone procedure. In cases of true gynecomastia, liposuction alone will generally not be effective, and tissue excision will be necessary. Some individuals may benefit from a combination of liposuction and tissue excision if the condition is being caused by excess breast or glandular tissue in addition to an accumulation of excess fat in the breasts.

During male breast reduction surgery, will the entire gland be removed?

In most cases, all or nearly all of the glandular tissue is removed. A very small amount of glandular tissue may be left for some individuals. How much gland tissue remains will depend on each patient’s needs and the technique that offers the best possible aesthetic outcome.

Can the breast tissue come back after gynecomastia surgery?

Glandular tissue and breast tissue should not regenerate after surgical removal for most patients. It is still possible to regain excess fat in the breasts, so it is important to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to minimize the chance of weight fluctuations that could lead to weight gain in the chest.

Is the surgery for gynecomastia painful?

Some discomfort and soreness in the treatment areas will likely last a few days after gynecomastia surgery. This is normal after virtually any type of surgery and can often be well-controlled with rest and medication. Although each patient’s recovery experience is unique, some individuals who have surgical treatment for gynecomastia do not even require pain relief medicine after 48 to 72 hours.

Will nipple sensation be affected after gynecomastia surgery?

It is not uncommon for patients to feel numbness and loss of sensation in the nipples after gynecomastia surgery. These effects should be temporary, and the sensation often returns gradually. Although long-term reduced nipple sensation or total loss of sensation is a risk of this procedure, it should be noted that this is an extremely rare occurrence.

Contact Florida Plastic Surgery Group to schedule a consultation today!

If you are interested in learning more about treatment for gynecomastia, please do not hesitate to contact our office for additional information or to schedule a consultation.

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