A brow lift is a facial plastic surgery procedure that can smooth away the lines and wrinkles of your forehead and give your brow a more attractive contour. At Florida Plastic Surgery Group in Jacksonville, Florida, our dd certified plastic surgeons work with your features to create a natural, younger looking arch to your brow.

With a conventional brow lift, we will make an incision behind your hairline so that scars will be covered by your hair after you heal. Your brow will be lifted into a more youthful position and the muscles that cause the deep angry furrows in your brow will be weakened to lessen the appearance of those wrinkles.

With an endoscopic brow lift, instead of making the longer incision at your hairline, Dr. Desai makes three small incisions and uses a tiny camera to lift your brow and weaken the furrow-causing muscles. This endoscopic lift takes less time and recovery than a traditional brow lift. You will usually be able to go home the same day as your plastic surgery.

To learn more about all of your brow lift options, please call 877-907-3067 today or contact Florida Plastic Surgery Group for your consultation with a Jacksonville, Florida plastic surgeon.

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