The face lift has always been one of the most common and popular cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the United States. In Jacksonville, Florida, cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Ankit Desai performs face lifts (rhytidectomy) on men and women of all ages at the Florida Plastic Surgery Group. A face lift can provide a more youthful appearance and fight the effects of aging, gravity and the sun that wreak havoc on the face and neck area. Loss of elasticity in the muscles of the face and fat deposits can make you look older than you really are.

Dr. Desai will meet with you and discuss your goals; he will review your medical history and explain the various types of face lifts he performs. He will explain which option he feels is best for you and why. Some of the face lift options from which to choose include:

The Florida Plastic Surgery Group in Jacksonville, Florida offers cosmetic surgery financing plans that fit most budgets. Please contact Dr. Desai today to schedule a consultation to discuss face lifts. We serve patients in Jacksonville, Ponte Vedra and surrounding areas of Florida.

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