You may have heard of a new product available called the Tummy Tuck® Miracle Slimming System, also known as the Tummy Tuck® Belt. The makers of this product claim that you can slim belly fat by using the Tummy Tuck® Belt system at home for just 10 minutes, twice each day. The Tummy Tuck® Belt complete system involves the application of a “fat burning” cream, which is supposed to help activate a fat burning effect while you do two minutes of standing “Tummy Tightener” exercises, then go about your day as normal for the last eight minutes. After the 10 minutes is up, you can take off the belt, and the fat burning effect should continue for hours afterward. While the makers of the Tummy Tuck® Belt note the results can vary, they appear to claim that, depending on whether the belt is used alone or incorporated into regular diet and exercise regimens, individuals can lose an inch or more after just 30 days of use. It can also be used as an “instant slimming” product, akin to something like a girdle or SPANX®, that can be worn under clothing.

It’s very important to note that tummy tuck surgery (surgical abdominoplasty) is primarily designed to remove excess abdominal skin, tighten the abdominal muscles, and pull the remaining skin taut for an improved contour and a flatter appearance. There is no non-surgical procedure, product, or exercise that can achieve these particular goals. While exercise, diet, and even certain products/devices may help in the reduction of fat, they cannot adequately address loose, inelastic skin or improve lax muscles which may be causing aesthetic abdominal concerns. A surgical tummy tuck can accomplish these goals.

If you would like to learn more about tummy tuck surgery or other body contouring treatments, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons to explore your options, please contact Florida Plastic Surgery Group today.

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