A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is an elective outpatient surgical procedure to elevate breasts that have become ptotic or droop over time. The most common explanations for breasts to sag or become ptotic are changes in weight, the natural aging process, pregnancy, and genetics. When the breasts droop the nipples typically will then point in a downward direction, the areola may increase in size, and often the breasts lose volume especially in the upper poles. A breast lift will reshape the breast, reposition the nipple/areola to a more central location, and recreate a tighter breast pocket.

A breast augmentation mastopexy is the elective outpatient surgical process that includes a breast lift with the addition of breast implants. The best candidates for this combined approach are those patients that have breast that sag or droop and those that desire more overall breast volume, especially in the upper pole. It is very common over time to lose breast volume or for your breasts to feel “deflated” after pregnancy, so the addition of a breast implant will enhance your breast size providing a fuller breast. The decision to do a breast augmentation along with your breast lift is a personal decision, and our surgeons will assist you to determine your desired aesthetic look.

Here at Florida Plastic Surgery Group we would love to have the opportunity to further discuss your breast augmentation mastopexy options and address any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact us at (904) 262-3372 to schedule a consultation.


Fallucco MA, Desai AR, Prada CA, Lund HG, White BI, Huffaker WH “Primary Single-Stage Mastopexy Augmentation: Evaluation of Complications and Patient Satisfaction” Plas Recon Surg 2009; 124:4S 21-22.

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