Person holding saline breast implant

Breast augmentation or mammoplasty is an elective outpatient surgery to enhance breast size by adding volume. Volume most commonly added with breast implants, which are filled with saline, silicone gel, or highly cohesive silicone gel (shaped ‘gummy bear’ implants). All of these implants have an outer shell made of silicone, which houses the fill substance of your choice.
Saline implants have a silicone shell, which is filled with sterile saline (salt water) via a closed system (no exposure to air) during surgery.
Silicone gel implants come in two forms, silicone gel, and highly cohesive silicone gel. The highly cohesive silicone gel implants are also referred to as the “gummy bear” or “anatomic” shaped Saline breast implantsimplants.
Both silicone gel and saline implants have a similar safety profile, meaning one implant type has not been proven to be safer than the other. This generation of silicone implants is filled with a cohesive silicone gel that maintains its form if ruptured and the silicone will not migrate out of the capsule or shell to other parts of the body or into your blood stream. When a silicone gel implant ruptures or fails, a patient may not be aware of it just based on the outward appearance, unlike the saline implant which will flatten when ruptured. With all breast implants, they are not lifelong devices and may need to be replaced.

The large selection of breast implants can be overwhelming, but here at Florida Plastic Surgery Group we will assist you in this process and help you make the best choice for you. We look forward to meeting you at your consultation and please call (904) 262-3372 to make your appointment today!

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