Hi my name is Alana I’m one of the PA’S here at Florida plastic surgery group. Today I’m going to be talking about post-op instructions following a breast augmentation surgery. First off, thank you for choosing us in your care we’re happy to welcome you to our family. Having a breast augmentation with us there’s post-op instructions that are going to be filled out for you already in your packets so you’ll have it all written down for you. I still like to go over it with patient’s day of surgery so you’ll hear several times and also, you’ll have the written instructions and this video to refer back to if need be. Immediately following your breast augmentation surgery you’ll be placed in a sports bra that buttons up in the front and that’s going to be your support system for the next four weeks. You can take it off to shower and that sort of thing, wash it as needed but pretty religiously you need to have that on there for four weeks. You will see us at your first post up appointment about one week from surgery oftentimes will also place you in a downward compression a strap type device and that will go on top of the sports bra. We will instruct you on that if you do receive that in surgery on what to do with that as well but you’ll be wearing that for the same length of time as the sports bra. Typically, covering your incisions are going to be steri-strips, any dressings that we place on you at the time of surgery will stay on you until we see you at the first post-op appointment. If they do fall off or make their way off it’s not a big deal. Give us a call, we will talk you through what to do next. Typically, we’re just going to apply an antibiotic ointment any first aid appointment will do. You will apply it directly onto the incision if this does occur. Your first post-op appointment will just be checking for any issues following surgery typically there is really nothing to do except for takeoff the steri-strips if they haven’t already fallen off. At that point in time we’ll still ask you to be pretty minimal with your physical activity, not to get your heart rate or blood pressure too elevated until we see you back at, you’re next post-op appointment which would typically be about two to three weeks from that first visit. At that next appointment we will clear you to do physical activity, we do say not to rush back into what you were doing beforehand and to start off slow using your body as a guide. If you have any questions about specific activities that appointment is good time to ask. Following your breast augmentation, there are a few rare things that we want to hear about if it does happen to you. First off, if you’re starting to get fevers of anything over 101, we want you to call our office immediately. Additionally, if any of the following things occur, we also want you to call our office; shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling of either one of your lower extremities, excessive bleeding from the surgical site, nausea, vomiting that’s not controlled or any other worsening symptoms. Thank you for joining me as we discuss your breast augmentation and your post-op discharge instructions.

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