Brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift surgery, is an elective outpatient surgery to remove the excess skin and fat along the arms. There are several reasons why a patient may present for a brachioplasty, most commonly it is secondary to weight loss or genetic predisposition. Excellent candidates for this type of surgery are those with excess or redundant skin that sags below the arms and those medically safe to undergo elective surgery. Excess or redundant skin is most commonly seen in people that have lost weight, or the natural process of aging has left them with sagging skin and poor skin elasticity. Often this excess skin prevents individuals from wearing the types of clothes they desire, or they have to purchase clothes several sizes larger to accommodate their arms.

As with any surgery, there will be a scar. The incision for a brachioplasty will be from the elbow to the axilla (armpit) or extend into the armpit if there is excess tissue that needs to be removed. For those patients, this scar is a welcomed trade-off for a leaner more contoured arm allowing for a more comfortable fit into clothes. There are several things one can do to reduce the appearance of scars, which we will discuss in our next blog post or during your consultation. Your incision will be closed with absorbent sutures all underneath the skin, which will reduce the visibility of your scar as well. Following surgery, you will be placed in a compression wrap around your arms to aid in reducing post-operative swelling.

We look forward to discussing brachioplasty surgery with you further during your consultation. Please feel free to schedule your appointment at Florida Plastic Surgery Group today!

Call us at 90.262.3372!

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