It is very common for men to develop excess fat in the breast area at some point in their lives. This condition can also be caused by excess glandular tissue in the breasts, which can affect men from early adolescence well into adulthood. The term “gynecomastia” is often used to describe these effects, and men who experience enlarged breasts can suffer from extreme self-consciousness due to the condition. Whether gynecomastia can be reduced by exercise is a common question, and the answer ultimately depends on the type of gynecomastia present and exactly what is causing the condition. 

In cases where the breasts are enlarged because of a collection of excess fat in the area, some individuals may achieve some degree of successful correction with certain types of workout routines, particularly those designed to reduce fat and enhance the pectoral muscles. However, in many instances, the abundance of excess fat in the breasts is too great for exercise to be adequately effective. In addition, it is quite common for men to experience gynecomastia as the result of a combination of excess fat and glandular tissue, while conditions in other individuals may be caused primarily by glandular tissue. In these cases, exercise alone will likely not be enough to produce significant results. 

Fortunately, there are procedures available that can effectively address gynecomastia and produce a flatter chest with less prominent breasts. Male breast reduction from our plastic surgeons can be performed in a number of ways, depending on each patient’s unique needs. Liposuction may be all that’s required for some individuals, while others may need glandular tissue removal or a combination of both techniques to achieve the best results. These treatments can be performed utilizing very careful incision placement to minimize residual scarring as much as possible. 

One of our experienced plastic surgeons can meet with you for a confidential consultation and evaluate your concerns. If you are an ideal candidate for gynecomastia treatment, our doctor will be happy to talk with you about the best options for your needs and develop a customized treatment plan. 

To learn more about treatment options for gynecomastia, please don’t hesitate to contact Florida Plastic Surgery Group


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