Liposuction is the process of removing fat by suction cannulas after numbing fluid (tumescent) is injected to the desired area of fat removal, in this case, the abdomen. Liposuction removes fat cells allowing for a smoother overall contour and shape.  Liposuction is often incorporated into a tummy tuck and is referred to as a lipoabdominoplasty. A traditional tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin, fat/tissue, and often includes rectus abdominis plication for rectus diastasis. Rectus abdominis plication refers to the process of sewing/tightening the rectus abdominis muscles back together if they have separated with weight gain or pregnancy. A very common type of tummy tuck is a lipoabdominoplasty, which incorporates a traditional tummy tuck and liposuction of the abdomen/flanks to optimize the contour of the abdomen. This option often offers the greatest results, especially for those patients who have excess fat/tissue in the upper abdomen as well. By incorporating liposuction into a tummy tuck the plastic surgeon is able to create a more natural and softer contour of the abdomen, hips, and flanks. During your consultation, we will address if you may benefit from liposuction at the time of your abdominoplasty, which is generally determined by the amount of fat/tissue present on “pinch test”.

Here at Florida Plastic Surgery Group we look forward to helping you determine if a tummy tuck with or without liposuction is appropriate for you to maximize your desired results. Contact us today to schedule your consultation, 904-262-3372.

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