Gynecomastia is the presence of enlarged breast tissue/glands in males. This is a benign condition, which could be cause by a variety of factors including: medication side effects, puberty, steroids, or idiopathic in nature (meaning it occurred for an unknown reason). Fortunately, there is a surgical procedure to remove (excise) this glandular tissue to reduce the outward appearance of breast tissue with males. Depending of the amount of glandular tissue and fat a patient has, this procedure could either be done in an outpatient surgical setting if liposuction is required or in our office. The vast majority of the men that have gynecomastia can have the procedure in our office under local anesthesia. If done in the office, you will be made comfortable with the use of local anesthesia (numbing medication) without the side effects of general anesthesia allowing for an easier overall recovery. Men that are a good candidate for this procedure are those that on physical exam have palpable glandular tissue and that are weight stable. The best way to determine if you are a candidate for a gynecomastia procedure is during a physical exam at your consultation. We look forward to discussing you individualized surgical plan at your consultation with Florida Plastic Surgery Group!

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