A lower body lift is an elective surgery to remove excess skin and fat along the lower torso, sometimes referred to as a circumferential abdominoplasty. The best candidates for this procedure are those who have had significant weight loss, often from bariatric surgery, and excess skin/tissue along their lower torso.
After weight loss, the skin’s elasticity is weakened and unable to tighten to its original state, resulting in sagging skin. Depending on where you have lost weight and where your location of excess skin and tissue is, we can dictate the type of body lift would most likely benefit you most. In our practice, we typically categorize body lift as circumferential or posterior with or without buttock auto-augmentation.
A circumferential body lift entails an incision completely around the lower torso, also referred to as circumferential abdominoplasty. This type of incision will allow for elevation of tissue 360 degrees around the body, resulting in a mild outer thigh lift, as well as optimizing the overall contour of your lower body.
Some patients excess skin is primarily located along their lower back, or they have already had an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and in that situation would benefit from a posterior body lift. A posterior body lift incision is across the lower back, below a standard pant line.
With both types of body lifts, there is also the option for a buttock auto-augmentation, which involves rotating your tissue to add some volume and shape to the buttocks, which can flatten after weight loss. During your consultation with Florida Plastic Surgery Group, you will receive and individualized surgical plan and have the opportunity to address any questions you may have.

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We look forward to meeting with you and formulating a personal surgical plan. Please call (904) 262-3372 to schedule your appointment today.

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