After your breast augmentation procedure, it is crucial that you follow post-operative instructions to ensure healing goes smoothly. You will be provided with these detailed instructions ahead of time to help you understand what to expect after surgery and to help you prepare for a more comfortable recovery. Florida Plastic Surgery Group requires all breast surgery patients to return home with a responsible adult who can care for them for the first few days after surgery.

During the first week following breast augmentation, you may feel sore and fatigued, which is why rest is so important. Since the skin has been stretched to accommodate breast implants, you may experience tightness, itching, and pain, but medication can help relieve some of these symptoms. Additionally, our doctors encourage patients to wear a compression wrap to help control swelling and reduce discomfort.

Most patients can return to work within the first week following their surgery. During the next few weeks, you should continue avoiding any strenuous activities that can raise blood pressure. It is normal for swelling and sensitivity to persist for a month or longer, but this should continue to fade as healing progresses.

You will be provided with more specific details about your recovery process before undergoing the procedure. Your post-operative healing will depend on the different breast implant options you select, such as placement above or under the muscle and incision location. If you have any questions regarding breast augmentation recovery, or would like to schedule a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons, please contact our practice.

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