A facelift or rhytidectomy is among the top five most common cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the United States.  Commonly, a necklift is performed simultaneously with the goal to rejuvenate the overall facial appearance and profile.  As we age, the underlining facial muscles become lax, and folds develop along the jaw (jowls), neck, and cheeks.

A facelift will tighten the facial muscles, smooth the loose skin of your face, and remove excess fat.
Excess skin and fat can also sag or droop along the neck creating folds and what some people refer to as a “turkey neck”.

A necklift will remove some of this excess skin and fat, tighten the muscle in the neck, and smooth out the neck skin to redefine your jaw line and improve the overall silhouette of the neck. Very often, a facelift is done in conjunction with a necklift to optimize your youthful appearance.

However, there are circumstances where a patient may only benefit from a facelift vs. a necklift, and this most often involves how much excess skin is present and the desired look of the patient. During your consultation with one of our plastic surgeons, you will discuss your facial rejuvenation options and develop a customized plan for what procedure will optimize your desired results.

We look forward to meeting you and discussing your facial rejuvenation options. Please call Florida Plastic Surgery Group at 904.262.3372 to schedule your consultation today!

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