A facelift is a standard procedure to rejuvenate the changes caused by facial aging, and there are a variety of facelift techniques that could be performed based on your individual needs.  The amount of swelling and numbness that someone can experience after a facelift varies according to the procedure involved. It is common to experience swelling, bruising, and some areas of numbness after your procedure.  Most of the bruising after a facelift takes 10-14 days to resolve.  Swelling will steadily improve over about two weeks, and some areas will recover much quicker than others.  Certain areas may hold onto swelling longer.  Doctors Desai, Fallucco, and Parks can discuss our individualized strategies to reduce swelling and speed recovery based on the procedure that is best for you. In general, during a facelift procedure, the skin is partially elevated allowing sculpting of the underlying structures to define such areas as the jawline.  Small areas of numbness can result from disruption of the small superficial nerves in your face during the procedure.  A majority of the face won’t lose any sensation at all.  The numbness ordinarily resolves over weeks to a few months.  Nerves commonly regenerate at a rate of 1mm per day, so it is understandably a slow process.  During the healing process, the numbness can become a tingling sensation, which is a sign of early nerve recovery. If you are ready to discuss your goals for toning and firming your face, feel free to call our board certified plastic surgeons at Florida Plastic Surgery Group to develop a plan that is correct for your desires.  904-262-3372

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