One of the most frequent inquiries we receive revolve around the question, “what can be done to my face to make me look younger?” There appear to be thousands of products claiming to “restore your youth,” “erase fine lines,” or “reverse the signs of aging,” but few of these products have been scientifically proven. Here we will focus on a few select non-surgical options: micro-needling or collagen induction therapy (COSMOPen), neuromodulators (Botox), dermal fillers (Juvederm and Radiesse), and topical hyaluronic acid (Teoxane serum).

COSMOPen micro-needling is a non-surgical facial rejuvenation therapy with minimal downtime following the treatment session. A numbing cream is applied to the face before the procedure to allow for a comfortable session, which is well tolerated by our patients. Microneedling uses tiny sterile needles to puncture the skin causing “micro-trauma” stimulating collagen and elastin production leading to tighter and firmer skin.

Neuromodulators, most commonly used is Botox, are temporary muscle paralyzers used on specific facial muscles to reduce the wrinkles that form with certain facial expressions. Many of our daily repetitive facial expressions cause deep wrinkles over time, such as “11 lines” or scowling lines, “crows feet” or squinting lines, and horizontal forehead lines. These wrinkles that form with movement are referred to as dynamic wrinkles, which are treated with neuromodulators (Botox). Next, we will discuss treatment of static wrinkles, those wrinkles that are present at facial rest.

Static wrinkles or deep lines, which are present at facial rest or neutral face, can be treated with dermal fillers such as Juvederm or Radiesse. Dermal fillers can also be used to add volume to the cheeks, which can appear sunken in over time. These dermal fillers are well tolerated and injected to restore volume or fill in deep lines most often around the mouth, nasolabial folds (deepened lines from the nose to the mouth edges), and marionette lines (deep lines from the mouth edges to the chin).

In conjunction with all of these non-surgical facial rejuvenation options, it is essential to establish an adequate skin care regimen, which for everyone should include daily SPF protection. Aside from daily SPF, every individual skin care regimen may vary slightly, but everyone would benefit from a topical hyaluronic acid such as Teoxane serum.
Hyaluronic acids are found naturally in the body and are responsible for cell renewal and skin hydration reducing the appearance of fine lines.

Each non-surgical facial rejuvenation option has is own role and often several treatments are used to achieve a desired aesthetic result. Here at Florida Plastic Surgery Group, we will work with you to develop your individual treatment plan to help you reach your goal.

Please refer to the next blog, Part 2, as we will discuss surgical options for facial rejuvenation.

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