Gynecomastia is a common, benign enlargement of breast tissue in males.  Most often, gynecomastia presents during puberty due to higher levels of certain hormones.  Later in life, Gynecomastia can develop due to a hormone imbalance, which can be caused by several different reasons.

Gynecomastia consists of two types of tissues to make the enlarged tissue as a whole.  There is glandular (breast) tissue, and there is adipose (fat) tissue.  These two types of tissue are not always present in the same proportions among different men.  Sometimes, the glandular tissue is much more prominent, and there is less fat that makes up the mound.  Conversely, at times there is much more fat composing the mound.

Once that there is not a medical cause of gynecomastia determined, the most common surgical approaches to reducing the enlarged tissue include:
Surgical excision
or a Combination of both Excision and Liposuction.

Surgical excision involves removing the glandular tissue through a small incision around the border of the areola.  The areola is the pigmented tissue surrounding the nipple.  Often this is done under local anesthesia in an office procedure setting.
Liposuction involves small less than 1cm incisions in which the fat removal is performed with a numbing solution, cannulas, and suction.

The board certified surgeons at Florida Plastic Surgery Group will sit down with you during a consultation and determine the type of approach that is best for you to remove the enlarged tissue.  Call today to set up your consultation.  904-262-3372

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