The excision (removal) of the glandular tissue of the male breast is a fairly straightforward procedure and recovery. Our patients will receive both verbal and written post-operative instructions to reference during their recovery. There will be no dressings to change during your recovery, just steri-strips covering the incision that our staff will apply. We will also provide a compression ACE wrap and request you maintain the ACE wrap for approximately 48 hours following surgery. After the first 48 hours you may switch to a compression garment or compression shirt (along the lines of Under Armour) of your choice or you can remain in the ACE wrap. This gentle compression decreases your chest swelling and prevents the collection of a seroma (fluid) in the space where the glandular tissue was removed. You will be able to shower 24 hours following your procedure, but no baths or submerging your incisions under water. The most important restriction is no heavy lifting or exercise for 3 weeks or until cleared by your plastic surgeon. This will allow your body time to heal appropriately to optimize your results. Most patients return to work after 1 week, as long as their job does not require heaving lifting. When cleared by your plastic surgeon, you should apply SPF to the incision when exposed to minimize scarring from sun damage for at least the first year. Those patients that undergo a gynecomastia procedure are able to quickly return to their regular daily activities with restored confidence.

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