Mommy Makeovers offer women who have experienced the physical changes caused by pregnancy and breastfeeding the opportunity to comprehensively renew their body contours and rejuvenate their appearance. A customized Mommy Makeover includes a carefully chosen selection of cosmetic enhancement options designed to address a number of concerns. The most popular treatments in a Mommy Makeover typically include those that restore the appearance of areas such as the abdomen and breasts—which are often the regions most affected after pregnancy—as well as other areas showing signs of excess fat accumulation, inelastic skin, or other concerns. With all of this in mind, many women who are considering a Mommy Makeover wonder how long they should wait before having these types of procedures. In most cases, our plastic surgeons at Florida Plastic Surgery Group generally recommend waiting an absolute minimum of three to six months before undergoing a Mommy Makeover, depending on which specific treatments are being considered. 

After pregnancy and breastfeeding, the body needs an adequate amount of time to recover from the stresses that have been placed on it. The changes in the breasts, abdomen, and skin that resulted from pregnancy essentially need time to “settle.” Particularly for women who breastfeed, it is best to wait for several months after nursing is complete in order to achieve the most optimal results from a Mommy Makeover. Additionally, it is important to remember that Mommy Makeovers typically involve major surgery in a number of different body areas, requiring several days or weeks of recovery. For individuals with newborn children, a long recovery can create challenges to caring for them (and themselves) during the healing period. 

Another important note worth considering: If you are still planning to have children in the future, our doctors usually recommend postponing Mommy Makeovers and body contouring treatments such as tummy tuck surgery or breast enhancement until after your family is complete. Pregnancy and breastfeeding after these kinds of procedures can ultimately compromise or even reverse the results, necessitating additional surgery to restore them again. 

If you have questions about Mommy Makeover treatments or other procedures available at Florida Plastic Surgery Group, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced plastic surgeons, please contact us today. 

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