Recovery after a thigh lift can vary between patients, but on average, patients are back to work in approximately one week. After surgery, you will be placed in a compression garment to minimize swelling and provide support to your new body contour. A compression garment should be worn three to four weeks from your surgery.

We use dissolvable sutures underneath the skin that will not need to be removed. You may have drains (small thin tubes with a bulb at the end) placed under your skin to help remove any excess fluid or blood that can potentially accumulate post-operatively. These drains are typically removed seven to ten days after surgery, or once deemed acceptable for removal depending on fluid collected daily.

Bruising and swelling are common and will decrease in two to three weeks. Swelling could last as long as three to six months. Walking is encouraged after surgery to keep your blood circulating. However, you should not perform any strenuous activities until cleared by your physician. Most patients recover well after a thigh lift, and will be back to their full normal activity four to six weeks after surgery.

What can I expect after a Thigh Lift?

As discussed in the recovery, you can expect to have potential swelling and bruising to your thighs immediately after surgery, making you incapable of seeing your results instantly. As the inflammation and bruising settle, you will notice smoother, slimmer, younger-looking thighs with better-proportioned lower body contours. Given the lengthy inflammatory phase, and fading of the scars with proper scar treatment (bioCorneum+), it may take six months to a year to see your full results.

The best way to determine whether you are an ideal candidate for a thigh lift is to schedule a consultation with one of our Board Certified surgeons at Florida Plastic Surgery Group.  During your consultation, we will listen carefully to your aesthetic goals and evaluate your body type before recommending the best procedure to achieve your desired outcome.

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