Like any surgery, scarring after a tummy tuck is inevitable, but our surgeons perform the procedure in a way that typically allows patients to conceal the mark. The extent of your scar will vary depending on if you are undergoing a mini tummy tuck versus the full procedure. The typical, full procedure results in a scar that extends from hip to hip, low on the abdomen. Because of its location, you should be able to hide the scar beneath your undergarments or bikini bottoms. However, since clothing styles vary, you may wish to bring your garments to the consultation to allow your surgeon to give you realistic expectations of where the incision may be placed.

While the degree of scarring you experience is partially determined by your genetics, other factors can be controlled to help minimize its appearance. Our surgeons highly recommend refraining from smoking, as this can add complications to the healing process. Additionally, you should avoid direct sun exposure to the incision area for the first year following your procedure. Use of sunscreen can also be used to help protect the delicate skin from developing a darker red color.

The scar from a tummy tuck is typically most noticeable within the first six months after surgery, but its appearance should gradually lighten over time. To see examples of patients who have undergone tummy tuck surgery, browse through our photo gallery for before and after pictures.

Schedule a Consultation
For more information of what you can expect following tummy tuck surgery, contact Florida Plastic Surgery Group to schedule your consultation.

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