COSMOPen microneedling, also referred to as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), is a non-invasive facial rejuvenation option. This innovative aesthetic treatment utilizes micro-sized sterile needles to puncture the skin creating temporary micro-channels. This technique creates “micro-trauma”, which stimulates the body to produce new collagen and elastin resulting in tighter and firmer skin. Initial results will typically be apparent after two treatments with more significant results seen after 3-5 treatments. You will continue to have collagen remolding between 6-12 months following the procedure. As with any procedure or surgery, the natural aging process continues, but this will “reset the clock” back approximately 3-5 years providing an overall more youthful look.

Most often microneedling is performed on the face and neck, and the process takes less than an hour in the office with minimal downtime and discomfort. Maximizing and maintaining your microneedling results entails an adequate skin care regimen and daily SPF. Facial rejuvenation means different things for different people. We look forward to developing an individualized plan that suits your desired aesthetic results.

Contact us today at 904-262-3372 to get a quote and schedule your COSMOPen microneedling procedure!

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