“Jowls” are characterized by excess, inelastic skin that collects just under the cheeks and along the jawline. This is a very common concern, and one that can affect just about everybody, regardless of how well they take care of their health and their skin. This is due to the fact that the skin loses elasticity and collagen as the natural aging process continues. Factors such as genetics, weight fluctuations, smoking, and sun exposure can also contribute to the development of jowls, but aging is usually the most prominent cause. Fortunately, there are treatment options available that can reduce signs of jowls to create firmer skin in the mid- to lower face, along with a more contoured jawline.

A surgical facelift procedure generally offers the most effective way to get rid of jowls. Facelift surgery targets the precise area in which jowls appear, and many patients choose to undergo the procedure for that very reason. A facelift removes loose, excess skin in the mid- to lower facial region and tightens the underlying muscles. The remaining skin is lifted and smoothed, which can virtually eliminate the telltale signs of jowls and give the jawline significantly improved definition. With proper skin care and healthy lifestyle habits, the results of a facelift can last for several years. 

For individuals who are experiencing jowls that are less pronounced, a non-surgical injectable procedure may be an ideal alternative. Some kinds of dermal fillers can be effective for adding volume to the cheeks and lower facial areas, which can ultimately serve to “camouflage” the jowls to a certain extent. Although the outcome will not be as significant when compared to facelift surgery, and the results will not last as long, cosmetic injectables can sometimes be an appropriate option for patients with milder signs of jowls and for those who would like to avoid surgical intervention. 

During a consultation with one of our experienced plastic surgeons, your skin will be evaluated and all of the options that can address your concerns will be discussed in detail. Our surgeon will be happy to answer your questions and help you determine the most ideal procedure for your needs. If you would like additional information, or if you are ready to schedule a consultation, please contact Florida Plastic Surgery Group today. 

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