In 2006, silicone breast implants were approved by the FDA for use in women 22+ years old. Although saline breast implants have been in use for much longer, silicone implants are quickly growing in popularity because of their superior look and feel. When properly placed, silicone breast implants are indistinguishable from natural breast tissue, whereas saline implants can feel more unnatural and obvious to the touch.

Silicone breast implants also have a few other advantages:

  • Lower rate of rippling or wrinkling
  • Can be placed over the muscle (subglandular) in women with thin breast tissue without sacrificing aesthetic quality
  • Silicone is lighter than saline, reducing the risk of downward displacement (“bottoming out”)

However, silicone gel implants can potentially produce a longer scar, since the implants come pre-filled from the manufacturer. Dr. Desai works to minimize this as much as possible. Additionally, since silicone implants do not deflate when they rupture, a patient’s risk of capsular contracture may be higher. To avoid this, the FDA advises women with silicone breast implants to have a MRI breast scan every two to three years after having their breast implants placed.

If you live in Jacksonville or St. Augustine, Florida and have further questions about the benefits of silicone breast implants, please contact us today to schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ankit Desai. We can help you decide on the breast implant option that is right for you.

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