Any man may develop the most vigorous exercise routine in the country but still be unable to achieve that perfect six-pack. The fact is that your body needs a certain amount of fat in order to be healthy. Unfortunately, sometimes that fat is not exactly where you would like it to be and may gather stubbornly in your abdominal region. If you follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly but still have excess stomach fat, a tummy tuck can help you achieve the healthy masculine shape you strive for.

Tummy tucks for men are becoming popular as sport enthusiasts and healthcare professionals admit that even vigorous exercise cannot achieve every aesthetic goal. A tummy tuck is the surgical tightening of the skin in the lower and upper abdominal regions and is often paired with liposuction to create a smoother appearance.

A tummy tuck is not a good way to lose weight, but it is a great way to tighten an abdomen that is flabby or has loose skin due to:

• Bariatric surgery
• Massive weight loss
• Exercise-resistant fat deposit(s)

You can learn more about plastic surgery for men in the Saint Augustine and Jacksonville, Florida, areas by contacting Dr. Desai at the Florida Plastic Surgery Group.

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