A bilateral (both breasts) DIEP flap surgery on average takes 6-8 hours to perform from start to finish. Following surgery the patient is moved to the PACU (post-anesthesia care unit) briefly prior to being transferred to the ICU overnight. Overnight you will remain in the ICU for close monitoring of the DIEP flap hourly. The following day you will begin physical therapy and your journey to recovery. Typically DIEP flap breast reconstruction patients are staying 2-3 nights in the hospital before being released home. Prior to discharge from the hospital, we will ensure your pain is managed with the pain medications your will take at home and that you feel safe/stable when walking. You will have several JP drains that will require care, which we will instruct you on in the hospital. Otherwise, there are no dressing changes and the sutures are all underneath the skin, dissolvable, and covered with steri-strips. You will also be provided an abdominal binder and a support bra, which you will wear 1 month from surgery. You will follow-up with our office 10-14 days following your discharge from the hospital, but we are always available if any needs arise.

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