Liposuction is the process of removing fat from unwanted areas through small and often hidden incisions. Men and women can both choose to have liposuction to combat fat that has been resistant to diet and exercise which is mostly commonly found in the abdomen, chest, hips, back, thighs, and arms.
Multiple factors determine if liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia in our office or as an elective outpatient surgical setting. The patient’s medical history, if liposuction will be paired with another surgical procedure, and the location and the amount of liposuction desired are the primary factors that determine the surgical setting.
Liposuction Areas
The liposuction cannula entry-point incisions are typically placed in areas that would not be usually be seen and are less than 1cm in length. Post-operatively one can expect bruising and swelling at all areas of liposuction and a compression garment will need to be worn in those areas. The compression garment aids in decreasing the swelling and provides overall support for the patient. The majority of swelling and bruising should resolve within 4-6 weeks, but most people return to work in a week or less depending on the physical nature of their employment and the amount fat removed. Some patients report feeling “bloated” in the immediate post-operative period which is mostly related to the volume of numbing medication that is injected and surgical swelling, which subsides typically within the first two weeks.
Liposuction surgery is an excellent option for those patients looking for an overall leaner body with a smoother contour, but it is not a substitute for substantial weight loss.
We look forward to discussing liposuction with you further during your consultation. Please feel free to schedule your appointment at Florida Plastic Surgery Group today! Contact us at 904.262.3372!